Blog, 22 October 2019
Digital Marketing

Importance of Seasonal Marketing

From Halloween Spooky Stories to Christmas Jumpers how can you get seasonal marketing right for your business?

It is completely normal for any business online to notice peaks in website traffic at specific points of the year. For example, school supplies are more in demand from July-August as this is just before a new academic year starts. This comes down to seasonality; a demand for a specific product or service at specific times of the year. With seasonality comes the opportunity for seasonal marketing- tapping into what lots of consumers love; holidays and special occasions in order to sell more. 


Seasonal marketing not only gives businesses the excuse to use national and international holidays that are already at the forefront of consumers minds, but also the chance to get themselves in front of new audiences that they may not otherwise connect with. The hardest thing is to give consumers something they want, without compromising your brand.

How to Get it Right

  1. Make it relevant: Don’t start creating unusual campaigns just for the sake of standing out. Anything you use has to be related and super relevant to the integrity of the brand, and what your customers want/ expect from you.

  2. Observe what your competition & past trends are: Research what your competitors are doing, what ha really worked for them? What has not worked for them? What has really worked in the past?

  3. Plan: There is no point in rushing into creating a campaign, it will inevitably fail. Make a plan and try to stick to it. Create and collect all your assets in advance, scheduling each post/update regularly.

  4. Have a clear goal: What do you want the campaign to achieve?

  5. Offer something special: You need to offer your customers something that they won’t get anywhere else, for example, 20% off voucher for Halloween or a limited edition Christmas version of one of your products. This will get people more excited about interacting with your brand and drive more traffic to your website.


Food for thought

Just to further highlight why seasonal marketing is so important:

  • 64% of smartphone shoppers turn to mobile search before heading to the physical location.

  • 43% of Halloween celebrants shop in the first two weeks of October.

  • Since 2014, UK shoppers have made more internet searches for Christmas related terms than anywhere else in the world.

  • 80% of Christmas shoppers are influenced by the internet before making a purchase.