Blog, 8 April 2020

Our 7 Top Tips for Working Remotely 

Many Individuals are having to work from home now and it can be incredibly difficult so here at Blue2 we have come up with 7 ways you can successfully work from home

1. Stick to that routine

When working at the office you probably follow a carefully scheduled routine. Wake up after hitting snooze a few times, shower, have breakfast and dash to the office for 9 am, sound about right?  

Well when your remote working things should be no different, sure maybe allow yourself an extra half an hour in bed… you’ve earned it, but you want to continue with your normal routine as much as possible. 

Doing this will help you manage your time, maintain a healthy work-life balance and keep you focused. 


2. Workspace Ready

You need a workspace where you can be alone and focus. Now, this might not be an option for everyone but for a great workspace, you will need the following: A desk, comfortable seating, plenty of natural light. 

Your workspace is where you go when you mean business! so avoid using the same space for those hour-long Netflix marathons. With your workspace, it’s also important to set boundaries with people you live with, make them aware of your work hours to avoid interruptions.  


3. Spend time with your team virtually

Isolation makes it difficult to be social but there is plenty of great software out there for you to connect with your team. Slack, Microsoft teams and Zoom to name a few. These are great for keeping in touch with your team and for managing remote working. 

After hours, however, use these platforms to have some fun and be social with your team! Play some games, watch some Netflix or host a quiz night there’s plenty of creative ways you and your team can come together!


4. Stay focused

It’s incredibly easy to lose focus working from home, your boss isn’t around so it might seem innocent enough to watch that TikTok your friend just sent you… but let’s be honest it’s never just one TikTok. 

There are plenty of great Pomodoro apps out there which will help you keep focus. A Pomodoro breaks your work into 25-minute sessions, after which you take a short 5-minute break before continuing. Another good practice for staying focused is spending 5 minutes every morning to plan out your day and creating a checklist.  Following a structured schedule and checklist will keep you focused. 


5. Take care of your mental health 

It’s very easy to burn out at any point in life but with the added pressures of working from home and COVID 19 it’s now more important than ever to take care of your mental health. To look after your Mental Health, remember to take plenty of breaks, limit your reading of news to 15 minutes a day and stay in touch with your friends and family. There are also a variety of mindfulness apps available to help out with this. 


6. Get outside & exercise

You’re allowed to leave your home for one form of daily exercise so make sure you take full advantage! A short walk or a quick workout during your lunch will relieve stress, inspire creativity and improve your concentration. Get outside, take in the fresh air and recharge your batteries. 


7. Most importantly stay positive 

The most important thing to remember during this time of uncertainty is to stay positive! Working from home is no easy feat but know that in doing so you are doing your part keeping yourself and others safe!